
Your submissions matter

We normally seek submissions from stakeholders and the public when we make our decisions. Getting your views helps us make well-informed and balanced decisions. We value your knowledge and perspectives as well as your ideas and opinions.

Your submissions can assist us in:

Any person or organisation can make a submission. A submission can be your comments, arguments, concerns and/or recommendations and any evidence that you can to provide in support of your submissions. If you are going to give us your opinion, we prefer that you also give us evidence that supports your opinion.

How to make a submission

We accept written submissions by email and by post.

While we are happy to receive your feedback at any time, there are some occasions when the opportunity to have your written submission considered as part of our decision-making process is time sensitive. If a matter is time sensitive, we will advise you of any deadlines on our website.

Please contact our office by telephone at (02) 6205 0799 or by email at if you have any questions about deadline for submissions. If you need an extension of time, please contact us as soon as you can and explain why you need an extension.

Confidential information

We prefer to make all submissions publicly available so that everyone who is affected by our decisions can see the information we considered in making our decision. This also allows us to test the evidence and arguments given to us so that our decisions are based on the best information available to us.

But we recognise that there can be good reasons why some information should be kept confidential.

We will make all submissions we receive publicly available on our website, unless you give us good reasons why we should not provide this information to the public.

Any confidentiality claims should be made clearly on the front page and the relevant sections should be marked ‘confidential’ so that the rest of the submission can be made available to the public.

You should also explain to us why the material should not be disclosed to the public. For example, does the submission contain legal advice from your lawyer or information that is commercially sensitive?

When we assess confidentiality claims, we consider whether:

If you have any concerns about how we will treat information that may be confidential, please contact us to raise your concerns with us before submitting. We can then discuss with you in advance whether the material would be disclosed and explore options for protecting your confidential information.

Personal information

Your privacy will be protected. We will remove your name, address and email before we publish your submission.

For more information, please see the ICRC Disclosure Guidelines.

For more information

You can contact us for more information on how to make a submission and about how we treat submissions. Our contact details are:

Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission
GPO Box 158
Canberra ACT 2601

Phone: (02) 6205 0799