Making a short submission or giving feedback

The feedback form below enables stakeholders and interested parties to make short submissions to the Commission on the project, any related consultation papers, draft reports, or give feedback at anytime during the Commission’s review.

To make a longer submission please see the information on “how to make a submission” in the Commission’s issues paper and draft report when they are released. A guideline on how to prepare submissions can be found on the Commission’s Submissions page.

Please note:

Comments provided via this feedback form will be treated as Submissions.

For submissions made by individuals, all personal details other than your name and the State or Territory in which you reside will be removed from your submission before it is published on the Commission’s website. Copyright in submissions resides with the author(s), not with the Commission.

Submissions will be placed on the Commission’s website, shortly after receipt, unless prior contact has been made concerning material supplied in confidence, or to request a delayed release for a short period of time. Submissions will remain on the Commission’s website as public documents indefinitely.

The feedback form below enables consumers, stakeholders and interested parties to make short submissions to the Commission on the project, any related consultation papers and reports, or give feedback at anytime during the Commission's review.

To make a longer submission please see the information on "how to make a submission" in the Commission's consultation papers and draft reports when they are released.