About Us

The Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission (the Commission) is a statutory body set up to regulate prices, access to infrastructure services and other matters in relation to regulated industries and to investigate competitive neutrality complaints and government-regulated activities. We also have responsibility for licensing utility services and ensuring compliance with licence conditions.

Our objectives are defined in two principal Acts:

Our plan and future priorities

The Commission’s Statement of Intent sets out our workplan and priorities for the year and beyond. The Statement of Intent focuses on the current budget year, and has been developed in the context of a four year forward planning horizon. Our Strategic Plan outlines what we plan to do, how we will do our work, and our measures of success for the four years from 2020 to 2024. See the following documents:

Document NameTypeSize Published date
Statement of Intent 2023-24PDF 1 MB11/09/2023
Strategic Plan 2020-2024 with Key Priorities 2019-2020PPTX1 MB06/03/2020
Strategic Plan 2020-2024 with Key Priorities 2020-2021PPTX1 MB02/07/2020
Strategic Plan 2020-2024 with Key Priorities for 2021-22PPTX1 MB13/10/2021
Strategic Plan 2020-2024 with Key Priorities for 2022-23PPTX1MB11/08/2022
Strategic Plan 2020-2024 with Key Priorities for 2023-24PPTX173 KB23/10/2023

A brief history of the Commission

Twenty-five years of economic regulation in the ACT [PDF 1.5MB]

Since its establishment in 1996, the Commission and its predecessors have worked to promote the well-being of the ACT community through its regulatory and consumer protection activities and advice to the ACT Government on a wide range of matters.

The Commission’s responsibilities and activities have changed over time, reflecting the Government’s priorities, consumer expectations and industry conditions.

The Commission has set regulated prices for: electricity (since 1997), water and sewerage services (since 1997), bus fares (1999-2007), and taxi fares (2000-2007). In determining regulated prices, the Commission balances economic efficiency and social and environmental considerations, with its overarching objective being to set regulated prices that are in the long-term interests of ACT consumers. In short, this means that prices are set to reflect the efficient and prudent costs of supplying the services.

Since 2000, the Commission has been responsible for licensing energy service providers operating in the ACT and the ACT’s water and sewerage service provider and for making utility industry codes that establish consumer protections and implement regulations that promote the quality, safety, reliability and security of essential services.

Over its history, the Commission has provided advice to the Government on a wide range of industry matters, including: milk pricing; petrol prices and competition in the ACT petrol market; gas pricing; the water abstraction charge; wheelchair accessible taxi licence allocations; the ACT racing industry; ambulance service charges; competition in the ACT supermarket industry; secondary water use; the costs of the Cotter Dam enlargement; and price and competition impacts of the Container Deposit Scheme.

In addition, the Commission has provided advice and information to the ACT Government in relation to climate change policies and programs, reported on performance in achieving greenhouse gas reductions, and has had various roles in relation to the electricity feed-in arrangements.

The Commission has also assessed competitive neutrality concerns and access arrangements. In doing this work, the Commission’s aims are to promote effective competition in the interests of consumers and ensure non-discriminatory access to monopoly and near-monopoly infrastructure.

Documents relating to the Commission current and completed projects are available on our website.

How to contact us

Correspondence or other inquiries may be directed to:

Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission

GPO Box 158
Canberra ACT 2601

Phone: (02) 6205 0799
Fax: (02) 6207 5887
Email: icrc@act.gov.au

Contact us form

For information on current issues please go to the Home page.

Retail Electricity Prices 2024-27

The commission will determine a price direction for standing offer electricity prices for small customers from 1 July 2024 – 30 June 2027. On 1 June 2023, we received terms of reference to investigate and determine a price direction for the supply of electricity to small customers. You can follow the investigation on our website and get involved via submissions, surveys and public hearings throughout the investigation.

Regulated Water and Sewerage Services Prices 2023–28

Regulated Water and Sewerage Services Prices 2023–28

Retail Electricity Prices 2020-24

On 28 May 2019, the Commission received a terms of reference from the Treasurer to determine a price direction for standing offer prices for the supply of electricity to small customers who consume less than 100 MWh of electricity over any period of 12 consecutive months. The price direction will be for the period 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2024.